Fugumobile developed HSBC’s 留学蜂 wechat account addressing the need of students, parents, agents and experts with interest in studies abroad.

The main features include -

Collaborative Planning Tool

  • A planning tool on wechat to record the process of application to foreign universities with deadlines, documents requirement, fee structure etc.
  • Tool can be shared in a collaborative fashion between student, parent and agency.
  • System assisted predictive planning.
  • Automated alerts and notification to inform students and agencies on milestones.

Presence and Participation of Experts

  • Each forum moderated by an expert in the field
  • Pool of verified experts who have been manually vetted
  • Ability to follow and directly connect with an expert
  • Experts can create their own follower base

Repository of Agencies

  • Listing of agencies with details of their specialization.
  • Predictive algorithm matches students with agencies.
  • Generated leads passed to agencies for follow ups through platform.
  • Ability to follow and directly connect with an agency.
  • Pool of verified agencies who have been manually vetted

Repository of Universities

  • Listing of universities with details of courses, application process and submission deadlines.
  • Ongoing content communicated through wechat articles on a weekly basis

Social Content Creation

  • Original and curated content articles published and pushed on a weekly basis to the community.
  • Personalized messages through out the user journey.
  • Messages sent are a combination of automated system generated and expert driven

 Social CRM 

  • Segmentation of user in groups
  • Personalized communication
  • Integration with wechat’s dynamic QR code module to generate and track unique QR codes for user source
  • CRM management 

Content Personalization and System Assistance

  • Content personalization at each step of the user journey.
  • User interface personalized for each group of users.
  • Custom navigation and wechat channels according to user type